Old Town tour

  Tallinn is like an open book of medieval history.
A fairy tale town, where on the red tile roofs there are spinning weathercocks and sitting griffins while guard dragons are protecting the well-being of citizens. Therefore cobblestone streets can tell many legends and interesting stories...
We will walk through the upper and lower town, and admire the views from the observation platforms. We will find out where and how the famous nobles and “simple” people lived, as well as what secrets of the present and the past are kept in the courtyards of Old Tallinn.

Duration of the tour is 2 hours. Do not forget comfortable shoes and a good mood!

You will see:
Toompea Castle
St. Mary's Cathedral (Dome Church)
Viewing platforms
Danish King's Garden
Niguliste Church and St. Olav's Church
Town Hall Square
Town Hall Pharmacy
Guild Houses
St. Catherine's Passage and Dominican convent
And much more...

Participants: from 10 to 25.
Price: euro/person.
After the tour: you may enjoy lunch in the cozy MYS home resto in the Old Town (for an additional fee and by reservation).